Typical Managed Service Providers operate on a break/fix model of support, ie. if something breaks they fix it. At Network Associates, we pride ourselves on going a step further and providing proactive service for our customers. This means that we don't wait for something to break, we continuously monitor your environment and remediate issues before they become costly downtime events. Read below to learn more about the core offerings of our Managed Services.

24x7 Onshore helpdesk, staffed with trained service experts. 99% of calls answered in less than 30 seconds and resolved in less than 15 minutes.

Deskside Support
Need onsite support just some of the time or fulltime? We can provide an expert technician to meet your organization's needs.
24x7 Monitoring of your infrastructure allows us to resolve issues before they happen, preventing expensive downtime.
Without reporting, how do you know you are getting what you pay for? We provide extensive reporting on your environment.But Wait, There's More!
In addition to the services listed above, you also get a dedicated client services representative to serve as your main point of contact for service and questions outside of the helpdesk. Need a feature added to your report or a have a question about adding more services to your account? Your client services representative will be ready and available to help. We believe that excellent customer service is what sets us apart from other Managed Service Providers.
Skills Business Executives Look for in a Managed Service Provider
It has been our experience that business executives are looking for a partner to take over their infrastructure, not just another vendor with a laptop and a cellphone. We have found that they are looking for the following:
Customer Service:
They believe that this should be the foundation that the service is built upon. Without it, you won't fully understand their business.
If they get hit with a nasty virus or DDoS attack, they want a provider that answers their call quickly and responds to the incident even faster.
They are already relying on the managed service provider to support and monitor their environment, they also want a partner that can participate in board level meetings and connect objectives with strategy.
They want to trust they have made a sound decision in hiring the managed service provider to treat their infrastructure and operations for it is, the most important piece of their business.
They want to know that the individuals they have entrusted to keep their systems running at peak performance are experts and have the background necessary to fully support them.
As stated above, Network Associates provides proactive support by deeply understanding the way your business operates. We provide 24x7 support and monitoring of your infrastructure to ensure a reliable backbone to build upon.